Do you think there really is a downward pressure on fees, or are estate agents unnecessarily getting into a perceived race to the bottom?
Just because some estate agents are finding ways to earn less and less, is that the only thing – or even the main thing – that homeowners care about? Or do they buy into high-quality marketing, exceptional customer care, expert guidance and even your branding?
I was talking about fees with a potential client this week and his view on agents who say they lost an instruction on fees was: “It’s not the fee, its you.”
We both hold the view that most homeowners are driven far more by the feeling they get from an agent than by how cheap they are.
From the relationship you create when booking a valuation, to the way you behave in someone’s home, to the proposition of your agency and whether you offer the best chance of a successful move – those are the factors that win the business. It’s only when those are in doubt that fees become an issue.
So in this episode, Jayne & I chat about all the things we did as agents to demonstrate that we were the very best bet (and that sellers were happy to pay 50% more for), and all the things you can do as well.
More than that: you’ll see that you don’t need to play the same game as the cheapest agents in town, even if it feels like you do.